Scientific Calculators for Students, 10-Digit Large Screen
Product Information
Scientific Calculators: Calculator and notepad are designed together, you can write while calculating, improve learning and work efficiency, simple operation, suitable for beginner students and science builders,Very good mini high school supplies . Health Environmental Protection: The blue matt LCD screen is used to protect the eyes. When you are not using a calculator, you can also put it on the table as a notepad. It can write repeatedly, reduce paper consumption, environmental protection, no dust and ink, press a clear button to erase LCD notes and protect personal privacy . Portable: This handwritten calculator is only 120g, light in weight and easy to carry. Product size: 160*78*12.8mm. You can put it in your bag, pocket, or even wallet. It is a perfect choice for office calculations, construction calculations, financial calculations, accounting calculations, student calculations, home calculations, etc .
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